Room in Your Heart
This holiday season there will be families in our city that might otherwise go without a gift if it weren’t for the kindness of those they have never met. To that end, we are excited to offer what will hopefully become a Boston tradition, Room in Your Heart. From now until noon on December 19, we will have a room in our hotel set aside solely to accept gifts to The Home for Little Wanderers. Our goal is to fill the room to the point of overflowing and make the wishes of the countless families that The Home supports come true this holiday season.
To make things even easier, they have put together a list of their top 20 most needed gifts for this year. We hope you can make some room in your heart to fill up the room in our hotel!
- December 9th – December 19th
- Bring new & unwrapped gifts to The Lenox and ask for the Room in Your Heart room
- Place gift under tree
- Make dreams come true

About The Home
The Home for Little Wanderers serves children and youth from birth until the age of 22 providing a seamless continuum of vital programs and services for every stage of child and family development. Their overarching mission is to ensure the healthy behavioral, emotional, social and educational development and physical well-being of children and families living in at-risk circumstances. They’ve been at it for over 200 years, and their contribution to the community over those 200 years is immeasurable.